Friday, July 23, 2010

New Whip Designs

I've been slowly playing with a few changes, and hopefully improvements, to my whips.  For starters I have begun loading the core with bb's and not beaded chain.  I think this adds a bit more weight to the thong and may even help the whips flow a bit more smoothly.  I like the movement I've been feeling on some of my new whips lately.

I have also begun adding the transitional turk's head knot to some of my bullwhips - at the point where the handle and thong meet.  I had not really wanted to add this knot for a couple of reasons: 1. the fear that they might come undone, and 2. I don't like tying these cursed turk's head knots and since they are merely cosmetic why bother?!?  But, they do look better nonetheless with the knot so it is now an option on my website.  The whip pictured below is a 6-foot, 12-plait bullwhip in black nylon paracord.

The other thing that I tried for the first time was adding a second color to the butt knot.  I made this 3.5 foot snakewhip (Pocket Rattler) in black and colonial blue for my daughter.

Let me know if I can custom make you a nylon whip.  Have fun and happy cracking!
~ Ryan